
Latest update on Labour bag Checklist

Below are what I have put into my labour bag except for birth plan and nipple cream which I have not decided on it. Will on-hold for now. I'm almost there !!!

Hospital Notes and important documents
Nightgowns (preferably the type you can unbutton in front of easy breastfeeding)
Maternity bras
Breast pad
Maternity sanitary pads
Small plastic bags for soiled stuff (personal hygiene)
Bedroom Slippers
Dark coloured towel
Comfortable briefs or disposable underwear
Clothes for when leaving the hospital
Favourite toiletries

For hubby:
Camera, storage card
Handphone and charger (if any)
Reading materials

For baby:
Baby Vests
Scratch mitts and booties (about 3 pairs each)
Wrapping blanket
T-shirt and long pants
Disposable diapers or nappies (provided by hospital)


State of the Hospital Bag

Let's take a peep into my hospital bag to check at how ready I am to dash off to the hospital if the baby decides to come early:

Hospital Notes - none (probably won't be doing one)
Birth Plan - in progress (probably won't be doing one as I prefer to leave it to the experts)!
Nightgowns (Preferably the type you can unbutton in front of easy breastfeeding) - checked!
Maternity bras - to note!
Bra pads - checked!
Maternity sanitary pads - checked!
Small plastic bags for soiled stuff (personal hygiene) - checked!
Bedroom Slippers - shall use whatever I have available but not yet put into the bag.
Nipple Cream - to note!
Dark coloured towel - to note!
Comfortable briefs or disposable underwear -to note!
Clothes for when leaving the hospital - to note
Favourite toiletries - to note! (except for toothbrush and toothpaste though ...)

6 out of 12 items nto done - Oh Goosh. Time to buckle up and I'm trying hard to work on it.


kreasi foto di facebook

Pernah upload foto ke facebook kan?kadang kadang jenuh juga klo pripiw (preview) foto gitu2 aja, ada kalanya perlu coba cara baru, hehe.. kurang kerjaan apa ya, btw.. silahkan disimak yg ini.
konsep nya menikmati gambar dari satu album foto di fesbuk, bingung juga ngejelasinnya.. 

nah jadi gini gan maksudnya, foto-foto yang ada didalam album foto membentuk jadi gambar pohon jika dilihat begini.

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Ayooo Nge-Blog ^_^

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